Catherine Modan

Avatars that are wanted persons in Angerpool. These avatars will be arrested if they are spotted in Angerpool
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Re: Catherine Modan

Post by madscook »


You have been summoned to a court hearing where you are charged with the following:
§ 2.6 B – Single theft

You must meet at Angerpool Police Station as soon as possible and enter the "turn myself in cell" and wait there for staff to process you.

The case regards:
CCTV reveals that you stole a beer at Kiwi

Best regards
Mads Cook
Police Captain
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Re: Catherine Modan

Post by madscook »

Catherine Modan stole KIWI Beer (Gimle Valley)
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Re: Catherine Modan

Post by emiliealme »

Released after completed her sentence
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Re: Catherine Modan

Post by idamoore »

Locked up in A03, her name is A03 Modan
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Re: Catherine Modan

Post by idamoore »


She took video in court room, she was arrested for 2.14 disobey orders.

Guilty, said sorry to the judge

Since you got the point you will serve 3 months in high security prison. I hope this is a lesson miss Modan"
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Re: Catherine Modan

Post by idamoore »

Bacground check:
she'd have two prior arrests elsewhere for drug possession that she already served time for. No warrants or probation currently active.

Intake: Nothing to comment

Locked up in HC3
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Catherine Modan

Post by idamoore »

She was arrested because she was taking a picture / video of Alicenora when she arrived at the court house. The judge ordered her to delete the video but miss Modan didn't comply, she is arrested for §2.14 DISOBEY POLICE ORDERS


Angerpool Police District
Version 3 - 24th of Feb 2024

Write ONLY between [ ]
Something not clear? Please ask the officer in IM.

IMPORTANT: Fill in ALL information. Then you save time for the fun part of the role-playing game.


Your second life username: [ Catherine Modan ]
Your Display Name: [Catherine Modan ]

Do you have any alts here? If yes list them below.
[No ]

What is your real life age? [28 ]

I confirm that my avatar is human, adult and doesn't appear as child or furry? [ X]

On a scale from 1 to 5 how good are you in English? [ 5]
(1 is poor, 5 is expert)

On a scale from 1 to 5 how good are you at roleplay? [ 5]
(1 is poor / beginner, 5 is expert)

As you were told when you came to Angerpool, it is mandatory to read the player info on the website. You must answer yes below to be you must to be accepted. and you can't make excuses later if you break any of the rules that you didn't know about them

Have you read the entire "Player info" on
[ X] Yes
[ ] No

Have you read through Angerpool Law ( and understand the concept of the sentences here?
[ X] Yes
[ ] No

Have you read the prison rules? (
[ X] Yes
[ ] No

We have a discord server. With its own prisoner channel. Do you wanna join? [ ] (enter your usename)
Go to and register a user. Invite to our server you find here:


Where do you find what punishment you can get for your crime? [ Either the laws page of the website, or the notecard available at the landing zone]

IC and OOC is an acronym, what does it stand for? and what does it mean in a simple way? [ IC is in character. The person you are in nearby chat. OOC is the person at the keyboard, who yo would be in IMs. ]

As a prisoner how long do you have to be logged in here each month to keep your place in the prison? [ for 10 minutes bewtween the first and the last day in a month ]


Have you been arrested here before?
[ ] Yes - the officer should look for my name in the staff forum
[X ] No - this is my first arrest on this sim

What is your charges? (Ask the office if you don't know)

What evidence does the police have against you?
[She was arrested because she was taking a picture / video of Alicenora when she arrived at the court house. The judge ordered her to delete the video but miss Modan didn't comply, she is arrested for §2.14 DISOBEY POLICE ORDERS ]

Tell us about the details in the roleplay so far, and what you expect to happen next:
[ Trial]

If you are charged with §1 you will only stay a night in a holding cell.
If you are charged with §2,3 or 4 you can choose between mental, max and high security, except if you are charged with a §4 violent crime you must choose max or mental.
If you choose mental, you must fill in the question about psychiatric treatment

I will serve my sentence in:
[ ] A night in holding cell
[ ] Max security prison
[x] High security prison
[ ] Mental prison

Do you need psychiatric treatment, What is your medical history?
[ ]

Specify what you like
[ ]

Specify hard limits
[ ]


First name: [Catherine ]
Surname: [Modan ]
Gender: [ Female]
Date of Birth: [ ] (1995-04-15)
Last known address: [ 147 7th Street, Olympia Washington]

I am:
[ ] not guilty - you will go to holding cell.
[ X] guilty - you will go to court right away (except people charged for only §1)
to the charges presented to me.

Send the document to the arresting officer. Rename it so it reflect your second life username
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